Dąbrowa in KSEZ
The Katowice Special Economic Zone is a leader among Polish special economic zones. Currently, there are over 300 enterprises operating in the KSSE, which have jointly invested about PLN 31 billion and created over 70,000 jobs. The Sosnowiec-Dąbrowa in Dąbrowa Górnicza Subzone is part of the Katowice Special Economic Zone, the most effective economic zone in Europe and Poland (The Financial Times ranking, 2017):
Tax reliefs
The Katowice Special Economic Zone S.A. is the institution for those businesses that seek to benefit from public aid in the form of tax exemptions, incurring investment expenditure or creating new jobs. Tax reliefs granted to investments in the Katowice Special Economic Zone are adjusted to the regulations in force in similar institutions within the European Union.
Income tax reliefs for companies investing in the Katowice SEZ may be calculated in one of the following ways:

1 Tax exemption calculated on the basis of INVESTMENT COSTS:
- For large companies, the total amount of the tax relief may amount to 25% investment costs incurred,
- For small and medium-sized enterprises, the tax exemption is correspondingly 10% & 20% more.
2 Tax exemption calculated on the basis of CREATING NEW JOBS:
- The total amount of the tax relief may amount to 25% two-year employment costs for new jobs created within the zone
- For small and medium-sized enterprises, the tax exemption is correspondingly 10% & 20% more.
What can be classified as eligible costs?
Eligible expenditure is considered to be investment costs, less input VAT and excise duty, if deductible under separate regulations, incurred within the zone during the validity of the permit, which are:
The purchase price of land or the right of perpetual usufruct of land
The purchase price or cost of production of own fixed assets
provided that they are included, in accordance with separate provisions, in the assets of the taxable person;
The cost of expansion or modernisation of existing fixed assets
The purchase price of intangible assets
involving the transfer of technology through the acquisition of patent rights, licences, know-how or unpatented technical knowledge
Costs related to the rental or leasing of land, buildings and construction sites
provided that the lease term is at least 5 years, and in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises at least 3 years from the expected date of completion of the new investment
The purchase price of assets other than land, buildings and construction sites under lease or rental
where the rental or lease is a financial lease and includes an obligation to purchase assets at the expiry of the rental or lease term.
Rules of operation in the Zone
- creation of a specified number of new jobs within the zone by a specified date.
- incurring a specified amount of investment expenses within the zone by a specified date. The deadline for the two conditions is set by the investor. Newly employed shall be understood as the number of workers employed after obtaining a permit for business activity within the zone, in relation to the new investment.

The entrepreneur undertakes not to transfer in any form the assets to which the investment expenses are related:
- for a period of 5 years from the completion of the investment for large companies
- for 3 years for SMEs
The investor undertakes to maintain the declared employment:
- for a period of not less than 5 years as from the completion of the investment,
- for not less than 3 years for SMEs
The investor is committed to running a business:
- for a period of not less than 5 years as from the completion of the investment,
- for a period of not less than 3 years for SMEs
An investor is obliged to submit a monthly report to the company managing the zone, KSSE S.A:
- containing information on current employment levels and capital expenditure.
- KSSE S.A. performs periodic, annual inspections of investors to check the actual capital expenditure and employment.
Contact information
Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA
Podstrefa Sosnowiecko-Dąbrowska
41-200 Sosnowiec
tel. + 48 32 292 01 06,
fax + 48 32 720 26 56
e-mail: sosnowiec@ksse.com.pl